About Me
My name is Raleigh Thandazani Chiwuta and I am the Founder, CEO and Managing Director of The Dichotic Dilemma Social Enterprise. I am originally from Zimbabwe and was born in the early 80s which was an interesting time as it was just post independence from white minority rule and the country was finding itself. From a very early age I began contemplating the deeper issues of existence such as race, politics, leadership, economics, social existence and justice.
I was fascinated by our history of colonialism as a country, in Africa and the history of mass exploitation by European nations in the world. This lead to an intellectual and spiritual journey that began to take concrete form by writing my first book The Dichotic Dilemma the fabric of life. It was my 1st attempt to make sense of it all.
Moving to England was a very necessary and coincidental step in understanding the Coloniser as it were and bridging the black and white gap. The theory I discovered and coined in the writing of my book gave me a theoretical and cathartic understanding of what first was injustice and indignation.
Hence, what I have concluded in the end is that all or most of our human woes collectively boil down to leadership and the direction our leaders take us in all walks of life.
Consequently, why I created this organisation to discuss and promulgate the idea of Inclusive leadership around the world within the framework of the understanding of the idea of The Dichotic Dilemma which I believe is the fabric of life.
I also write poetry and have published other titles in the genre of poetry. I have a Degree in Diagnostic Radiography and will be studying for a Master in Ethics and Global justice.